Here you can find details of our ongoing engagements
SEA of Solutions 2022
Over the last three years, SEA of Solutions (SoS), SEA circular’s annual flagship event, has served as an avenue to exchange best practices, enable meaningful dialogue, and empower stakeholders to promote circularity in the plastic value chain within South-East Asia.
Find Out MoreCOP27 Youth Climate Hackathon (CYCH)
In the Singapore Pavilion, explore the city-state's innovations to balance realities, local needs, and the global agenda for a low-carbon, climate-resilient future. Framed around the Singapore Green Plan 2030 and various thematic days, the pavilion will show how Singapore's green solutions can spark ideas for cities and communities around the world and inspire a future of many green possibilities.In partnership with the Prime Minister's Office - Singapore (PMO), EB Impact hosted The COP27 Youth Climate Hackathon (CYCH) at the COP27 Singapore Pavilion.
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